Prof. Dr. Christian Oberländer
Telefon: (0345) 55-24337
Telefon: (0345) 55-24341
Telefax: (0345) 55-27403
Raum 8
Luisenstraße 2
06108 Halle (Saale)
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Philosophische Fakultät I:
Sozialwissenschaften und historische Kulturwissenschaften
Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Japanologie
06099 Halle (Saale)
Medicine as a Medium of Multiple Modernities
Transactions and Contingencies between China, Germany, Japan and Korea In the 19th and 20th Centuries
Ziel der Konferenz, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften und mit Förderung der DFG durchgeführt wurde, war, aus einer globalen Perspektive und durch den Focus der Medizin Prozesse der Modernisierung in Japan, China und Deutschland zu erfassen und auf ihre Wechselwirkungen zu befragen, um auf diesem Wege Hintergrundwissen für aktuelle Fragen der Globalisierung zu schaffen.
International Workshop
10th-12th March 2011
at Martin-Luther-University Halle (Saale), Germany
supported by and in cooperation with the German National Academy of Sciences / Leopoldina
supported by the German Research Foundation / DFG
- Heiner Fangerau, History of Medicine, Ulm
- Ichinokawa Yasutaka, Sociology of Medicine, Tokyo
- Alfons Labisch, History of Medicine, Düsseldorf
- Christian Oberlaender, Japanese Studies, Halle
- Heinz Schott, History of Medicine, Bonn
Thursday, March 10 2011
15:15 Opening of the Meeting
Venue: Aula, Löwengebäude of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)
Welcome Address by Vice-President of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) Prof. Dr. Christoph Weiser
Welcome Address by the President of German National Academy of Sciences / Leopoldina Prof. Dr. Jörg Hacker
15:30 Opening Lectures
Venue: Aula, Löwengebäude of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)
- Alfons Labisch (Düsseldorf)
Medicine as a Medium of Multiple Modernities - Transactions and Contingencies among China, Germany, Japan and Korea in the 19th and early 20th Centuries
- Christian Oberländer (Halle)
Germany - Japan - China: Encounters, Continuities and Contingencies in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries
- Ijima Wataru (Tokyo)
- Wolfgang Knöbl (Göttingen)
- Cao Shuji (Shanghai)
18:00 Buffet
Venue: Lecture Hall 12, Löwengebäude of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)
20:00 Public Lecture (in German)
convened by the German National Academy of Sciences / Leopoldina
Venue: Aula, Löwengebäude of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)
- Li Xuetao (Beijing)
Die Achsenzeit und China (The Axial Age and China). Der Einfluss der chinesischen Kultur auf die Entstehung des Konzepts "Achsenzeit" bei Carl Jaspers und die Wirkung des Konzepts der "Achsenzeit" auf die chinesischen Intellektuellen in China seit den 1980er Jahren
Friday, March 11 2011
Venue: Lecture Hall 13, Löwengebäude of Martin-Luther-University Halle Wittenberg (MLU)
09:00-12:00 1. Section: Medicine and Society: medical cultures - medical ideologies
- Ichinokawa Yasutaka
- Kim Hoi-eun (Texas A&M University)
Anatomically Speaking: Kubo Takeshi, Physical Anthropology, and the Paradox of Race in Japan-occupied Korea
- Franziska Tappe (Halle)
Medicalisation of Bathing Culture in Germany and Japan: The Example of Neurasthenia
- Anne Lange (Halle)
Medicine as a Medium of "German habitus"? A Case Study of Kishi Ichita
- Maria Schmitz, Heiner Fangerau (Ulm)
Medicine - State - Culture: Narratives in the Encounter of Germany and Japan in Medicine
- Suzuki Akihito (Tokyo)
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-16:00 2. Section Medicine as a Medium to shape conditions and behaviour: public health in Qingdao
- Alfons Labisch
- Walter Bruchhausen
Medical transfer at the grassroots – Health care provision by German-speaking Christian missionaries in Southern China at the end of the 19th Century
- Chen Liang (Shanghai)
The Epidemic of Cholera in Qingdao in 1939
- Han Zhihao (Shanghai)
An Epidemiological Analysis of Huang County's Cholera in 1919 and German Public Health Policy's Influence on Longkou Port's Planning
- Ichikawa Tomoo (Shanghai)
Japanese Occupation and Public Health in Qingdao: The Case of the Cholera Epidemic in 1919
- Robert Lee (Liverpool)
- Iijima Wataru (Tokyo)
- Li Yuchang (Shanghai)
16:45-18:45 3. Section Health Care Systems and Sickness Funds
- Iijima Wataru
- Ichinokawa Yasutaka (Tokyo)
Yellow Peril and Eugenics: Bio-Politics in Japan, 1895-1945
- Umemura Maki (London)
Multiple Modernities in Medicine: Perspectives from the Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry
- Christian Oberländer (Halle)
Introduction of Health Insurance in Japan as a matter of state and communal concern
- Suzuki Akihito (Tokyo)
- Cord Eberspächer (Düsseldorf)
- Ichikawa Tomoo (Shanghai)
19:00 Conference Dinner
Venue: Mönchshof, Talamtstraße 6, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Saturday, March 12 2011
Venue: Lecture Hall 13, Löwengebäude of Martin-Luther-University Halle Wittenberg (MLU)
09:00-12:00 4. Section Medical Science, Medical Practice: The Patient in his World
- Cord Eberspächer
- Umehara Hideharu, Jörg Vögele (Düsseldorf)
Multiple Modernisation in Medicine: The Case of Qingdao under German, Japanese and Chinese Rule
- Chang Chiungfang (Tokyo)
Politics of Reproductive Technologies in Taiwan: Examined from the Changing View of Modern Medicine
- Heiner Fangerau, Maria Schmitz, Florian Braune (Ulm)
The concept of patient autonomy and "informed consent" in the Chinese cultural area: Diverging movements in medical-historical contexts contributing to the international history of (medical) ethics
- Cornelia Bogen (Beijing and and Europe)
Communication in Crisis: On multiple forms of health care communication in China
Ichinokawa Yasutaka (Tokyo)
- Heinz Schott (Bonn)
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-16:00 Young Scholars Forum
- Heinz Schott
- Franziska Steffen (Halle)
Japan‘ s early Experience with Modern Medicine: The Case of Renmonkyo
- Nancy Jahn (Halle)
How German became the Language of Science in Japan during the Meiji Period
- Florian Becker (Halle)
Introduction of Criminology in Japan
- Lu Yao (Beijing)
The Identity of Christian Faith in China
- Wang Wangqiu (Düsseldorf)
Hackmann’s research on Chinese Buddhism
- Dorothée Döpfer (Düsseldorf)
- Klaus Mühlhahn (Berlin)
- Iris Borowy (Rostock)
16:00-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Summary and Final Comments:
Medicine as a Medium of Multiple Modernities. Possibilities of an International Network of Research
- Heinz Schott (Bonn)
Final Comments:
- Cao Shuji (Shanghai)
- Iijima Wataru (Tokyo)
- Wolfgang Knöbl (Göttingen)